Greater utilisation of

Political Scientists

As experts in the field of Governance

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Promoting Interchange

Among all Institutions

and Individuals who analyse, study, teach, and contribute actively
to the civic and political life in Malawi.

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Promoting knowledge and understanding of

Local and International

Political affairs through teaching, workshops, discussion, conferences,
and publications or such other means.

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We promote the study

Research & publications

Related to but not limited to Malawi politics.

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We are Affiliated to African APS

Who we are

The Malawi Political Science Association (PSA)

We are a registered entity with a diverse membership of academics and professionals in various fields.

According to Article 4(1) of PSA Constitution, the Association is nonpartisan and does not take positions nor commit its members to particular political positions not immediately concerned with its purpose..

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Featured News

The stories carry either PSA statements or views of PSA leadership. This shows both PSA visibility and history in terms of contribution to the governance space in Malawi.


Announcements & Events

This conference holds special significance as it marks 30 years since Malawi transitioned from a one-party system to a multiparty democracy in 1994. In light of this important political milestone, the conference aims to serve as a platform for stakeholders to undertake a comparative analysis and a critical examination of the first 30 years of one-party rule (1964-1994).

The Editors of PSA Newsletter are inviting Articles for a special issue of the Newsletter to be published by early July 2022. This special issue is entitled: “A reflection of the State of democracy, governance, and politics in Malawi on the occasion of 2 years of Tonse Alliance in government – Retrospect and Prospects”.

23 July

Welcoming New Members

Political Science Association secretary general Ernest Thindwa said the country may be bruised depending on the logical conclusion of the matter, which he thinks, is only going to be done through the June 23 vote.

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